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Welcome to the world of En. En for Enkantuhanun. An epic based on the Sulod Cosmology of the Hiligaynon people of Panay Islands. The world of mystics and enchantments. The world of the light and darkness. In a place of legends, we find ourselves on a journey to discover the secrets that lies within the ourselves and the world we live in.

History of En

The realm of En has existed parallel to the world of Duta or the human realm. This world was inhabited by mythical and mystical beings. The world divided among the entities that reside in it. Three main kingdoms of the Diwatas was scattered across this vast plane. The Ibabawnon Kingdom of Sarandihun, were the Diwatas of the sky. Wise and peaceful, they govern the skies of En. The Pagtung-an Kingdom of Ramaag was the seat of the Diwata civilization in En. It’s city was a stronghold. The Idadalmunon Kingdom of Gilawan boasts the best warriors in the whole realm. The Gilawan warriors were called Pintados as their bodies were marked by ritual tattoos imbued with magick. One Gilawan warrior alone can overpower an army of enemies. The Muruporu Kingdom of the White Dwendes bordered the Ramaag and Gilawan territories. Under the Dwendes realm lies the great lake that separates Pagtung-an from Idadalmunon. The Ulandang Tribes of Tikbalang were even distributed upon the plains of Kapatagan. The Tikbalangs were nomads. The Bakunawa Empire of the Tamawo encompasses the southern part of the realm. The Tamawos were the barbaric and martial race that was in constant conflict with the Diwatas.

In the early history of the Diwatas, came the legend of the five Diwata Nobles whom discovered the Duta realm. Three from the Ramaag tribe, one from Gilawan and Sarandihun. They constantly visited the human realm, and were regarded as gods by the human natives. They taught man their magick and their good ways. The Diwatas and humans were in constant contact with each other. And as gifts, the Diwata handed anting-antings to the Shamans that became their guide on Duta.

All this harmony was destroyed when Demigo, a Ramaag nobleman became ambitious and went to Duta to put all humans under his rule. He also taught a few shamans his wicked ways that corrupted their magick. The four remaining noblemen knew of his intentions and were able to stop him. And as punishment, he and his household were banished from the Diwatas and were given a curse that prohibits them from entering Duta. The Tamawos welcomed the wicked Diwata unto their kingdom.

In the years that past, peace was destroyed when the Tamawos began an intensive military campaign against the Diwatas. A century-long war came which was called the Bakunawan Wars. The first to fall were the Sarandihun Tribe of Ibabawnon who never expected the overwhelming force of Tamawos. The Gilawan Tribe fought for centuries until the Kingdom was conquered because of a traitor. The Ramaag became the last stronghold of the Diwatas. With the Gilawan destroyed, the Tamawos unleashed their wrath upon the middle kingdom. The Ramaag eventually fell, leaving most of the Diwata fleeing for Duta. Here they sought refuge, doing their best to fit in with the humans. Some hid themselves in the mountains while some of the Diwata inter-married with humans. The shamans that the diwatas taught their magick became their protectors and guardians.

Aremis of Gilawan came to Duta with his son Rito. The chieftain sustained an injury inflicted by a traitor whom died in his hands. His son Rito forcefully brought him to Duta, when the Tamawos laid waste to the Idadalmunon. Here the Gilawan chief fell in love with a human girl. Rito grew mad of his father and the new family he has in Duta. The young Gilawan left his father and his human family and sought the other Diwatas in Duta. Aremis was eventually found by the Tamawos sent to Duta to find the Diwata refugees. His weakened state gave death to him and his human wife. The son they left behind was saved by the hermit Anoranor who came to the aid of the Gilawan. The albularyo raised the Gilawan’s son and taught him the ways of the Diwata and the magick they taught man.

Princess Akina of Ramaag was the last remaining member of the royal family. Her refuge in Duta gave birth to a daughter from a human father. The Diwata died in giving birth to a special child. Her child attracted all sorts of evil. Akina’s human husband and his family knew of the importance of his child that they sent her to a far away place out of reach from the forces that seek her. There she will grow up unaware of the secrets that flow in her blood.

With En under the Bakunawa Empire, the Tamawos ruled the realm in chaos and turmoil. The Tamawos learned of Duta and has planned to conquer the human realm as well. The corrupted shamans became their means of coming to Duta. But due to the imperfection of magick, the gateway allowed only for limited Tamawos to enter. The Bakunawa made use of the entities that dwell in Duta to do their bidding. Not until the Diwata noble born with the innate gift of inter-dimensional travel, would the Tamawos realized the possibility of the conquest of Duta.

Character Profiles

NAME: Goldrush Dumala
RACE: Human / Diwata (Ramaag)
ABILITY: Bangun-bangun (Teleportation and Time manipulation)
PROFILE: Granddaughter of Alunsina of Ramaag. Heiress to the throne of the Ramaag Tribe of Pagtung-an. Goldrush was born outside En, the daughter of Akina to a human when the princess fled the war that consumed and destroyed the Diwata Kingdoms. She has the ability to open the portal gates that would gain access to the En realm. A balikbayan who grew most of her life in California under the care of her Aunt Lucita, whom brought her there for her own protection. She went back to the Philippines to stay and live here as a writer upon her Aunt’s death. She never had the idea about her mother and who she really is, until that fateful accident that changed her life. The target of all Tamawos and Sedah in their attempts to gain access to the human world.

NAME: Rina Dumala
RACE: Human
PROFILE: Goldrush’s cousin whom accompanied her to the Philippines. She simply vanished after the accident. Presumed by most to be dead.

NAME: Antonio Deza
RACE: Human
PROFILE: Totoy was the one who fetched Goldrush and Rinna from the airport upon their arrival. His whereabouts were unknown upon the accident. He is also presumed dead.

NAME: Nooje Villarina
RACE: Human
ABILITY: Pangalap (Shamanistic Magick)
WEAPON: Pamlang (Cross Anting-anting)
PROFILE: Granddaughter of Tyo Agno, a famous albularyo. She has learned about the Shamanistic rites since she was a child. Nooje did finish her studies and was already working as a Medical Representative in Iloilo City. Her Pamlang reacts to the presence of Diwatas and other deities. Nooje found Goldrush when the latter had a car accident. She became Goldrush’s closest friend and protector.

NAME: Miro
RACE: Human / Diwata (Gilawan)
ABILITY: Pangalap (Shamanistic Magick), Pintado (Gilawan Warrior Trait)
WEAPON: Itom nga Bato (Black Stone), Binangon
PROFILE: One of the heirs to the Idadalmunon Kingdom of En. Son of Aremis, chief of the Gilawan Tribe of Diwata to a human girl. Born on Duta (human world), he grew up under the care of Anoranor the Hermit. He has been wandering around Panay searching for the answers that justifies his nature and abilities. Encounters with Tamawos and other spirits were a common thing to him, since he emits a powerful amount of dunggan. He accidentally crosses the path of Goldrush and Nooje.

NAME: Liko Villarina
RACE: Human
ABILITY: Pangalap (Shamanistic Magick)
WEAPON: Ikog Pagi (Tail of the Manta Ray Whip)
PROFILE: Younger sister of Nooje. A smart and witty high school student who knew too much. Frequently gets into trouble along with Kayieh, her bestfriend.

NAME: Tyo Agno
RACE: Human
ABILITY: Pangalap (Shamanistic Magick)
WEAPON: Anting-antings
PROFILE: The famous albularyo. He has been teaching and guiding his granddaughters the skills that make them successors to his trade. Has a wide array of knowledge of the Shamanistic Arts.

NAME: Florentina Deza
RACE: Human
PROFILE: The caretaker of the Dumala Antillan House where Goldrush resides. Tita of Goldrush and one of the Dumala family’s closest friend. She has been taking care of the Dumala house when most of the family left for America.

NAME: Guila Dumala
RACE: Human
ABILITY: Mata sa Espiritu (Third Eye)
PROFILE: Goldrush’s cousin and Rina’s identical twin. She has the gift to see spirits and dieties and can see through magickal hallucinations. She can see and tell about what has happened upon the touch of objects. She hurried back to the Philippines upon hearing the news of Goldrush’s accident and Rina’s disappearance.

NAME: Liwanag
RACE: Diwata (Gilawan / Ramaag)
ABILITY: Suga (Light)
PROFILE: The only daughter of Anagi of Gilawan and Aliyala of Ramaag. Her being symbolizes the alliance between the two Diwata tribes and the two kingdoms. Cousin to Miro and Rand as their fathers were brothers. One of the few refugees that fled En for Duta after the Bakunawan War that destroyed the Diwata kingdoms. She heads the group of Diwata refugees that resides in the mountains of Madya-as.

NAME: Agasa
RACE: Diwata (Sarandihun)
ABILITY: Hangin (Wind)
WEAPON: Dasig Pana (Double bladed spear), Hibi Langit (Sharp feather-light projectiles)
PROFILE: The only survivor of the Sarandihun Tribe of the Ibabawnon. The avatar of the wind and the solitary hermit of the mountains that takes the form of a monkey-eating eagle. The sage and guardian of the history of En and the three Diwata Kingdoms. He was also one of the refugees of the Bakunawan War that fled for Duta.

NAME: Rito / Rand
RACE: Diwata (Gilawan)
ABILITY: Pintado (Gilawan Warrior Trait), Kita Mata (Gift of Accurate Sight)
WEAPON: Itom nga Bato (Black Stone), Binangon
PROFILE: The son of Aremis and prince of the Idadalmunon. This one-eyed Diwata fled with his father to Duta upon the fall of the Gilawan Tribe to the Bakunawa. He takes the form of a blind man and pretends to be blind, yet his eyesight is far more wide-ranged and accurate. He hates his brother Miro whom was son of his father to a human. He hides his identity of being the prince of Gilawan under the name Rand.

NAME: Durunuun
RACE: Baggat
WEAPON: Plants
PROFILE: A lesser deity that resides in Duta. She has been serving the Tamawos who are in the human realm. Her ability makes her the hymph that controls plants according to her will. The tree spirits also head her call.

NAME: Gadaygaday
RACE: Aswang
ABILITY: Metamorphosis
PROFILE: Leader of the group of Aswangs that wreak havoc in the Panay countryside. He also served under the Tamawo General in Duta. He has been in constant conflict with the Gilawan heirs.

NAME: Jabo
RACE: Dwende (Muruporu)
ABILITY: unknown
WEAPON: unknown
PROFILE: The Muruporu Dwendes were white and has been in alliance with the Diwata Kingdoms. He is the leader of the guerilla resistance of Dwendes against the Bakunawa Empire that now rules En. Close friend to Rito, who sometimes would go to Duta to inform the Gilawan of certain details regarding the resistance in En.

NAME: Abaw
RACE: Tikbalang (Ulandang)
ABILITY: unknown
WEAPON: unknown
PROFILE: A tikbalang who’s country also served the diwatas. He sometimes makes contact with the Diwatas of Madya-as. He also lives in hiding in En.

NAME: Magkal
RACE: Tamawo (Bakunawa)
ABILITY: Man-ug (Snake)
WEAPON: Binangon
PROFILE: One of the generals of the Bakunawa. He was given the task to seek and destroy the Diwatas that had fled En for the human realm. He and his army have traveled to Duta and have been wreaking havoc upon the humans. He is aided by shamans that offered their services to the Tamawos, whom opened the portal for him. Most of the aswangs and baggats were under his command.

NAME: Bari
RACE: Diwata (Ramaag)
ABILITY: unknown
WEAPON: Ribung Linti (Bow and Arrows)
PROFILE: Guardian of Liwanag. He has been guarding the Diwata princess ever since they fled to Duta. His skill with the bow and arrow surpasses most of the other Diwatas. He also acts as the commander of the remaining soldiers of Ramaag in refuge in Duta.

NAME: Toktok
RACE: Human
ABILITY: Pangalap (Shamanistic Magick)
WEAPON: Binangon, Ngipun Linog (Earth elemental lance)
PROFILE: One of the remaining traditional warriors of the Pulahan Tribe of the mountains. Toktok also received training and care under Anoranor. Miro’s closest friend and ally, who came to the Gilawan’s aid in difficult situations.

NAME: Sikripo
RACE: Tamawo (Bakunawa)
ABILITY: unknown
WEAPON: unknown
PROFILE: One of the few Tamawos that resides in the human realm. He has been in constant search of the Diwatas and the key that will open the realm of En to Duta. He has baggats under his command.

NAME: Sumalongson
RACE: Baggat
ABILITY: Water Manipulation
PROFILE: A nymph of the river. Sumalongson gave her services to the Tamawo. Being granted a rule over a part of what would be the Bakunawa Empire on Duta. She commands most of the water elementals in the earth realm.

NAME: Matanayon
RACE: Dwende
ABILITY: Earth control
PROFILE: Leader of the Duta Dwendes that resides in Pungsods. He also can give curses and halit towards humans. This black Dwende also sought alliance with the Tamawo in attempts of preserving their kingdom from the wrath of Bakunawa.

NAME: Kayieh Andrido
RACE: Human
PROFILE: Liko’s bestfriend and classmate.

NAME: Manaul
RACE: Human
WEAPON: Anting-anting
PROFILE: A dark shaman that has taken the side of the Tamawos. He has been aiding the Bakunawa in their search for the Diwatas in Duta. His ability is the opposite of the good that encompasses the Albularyos. He is the one that opens a temporary portal that will permit minor Tamawos to come to the human realm.

NAME: Anoranor the Hermit
RACE: Human
ABILITY: Pangalap (Shamanistic Magick)
WEAPON: Anting-antings
PROFILE: The sage of the Pulahan Tribe. Close friend of Aremis and the one who welcomed the Gilawan Nobles upon their arrival on Duta. He took care of Miro, teaching him and raising him as his own.

NAME: Sedah
RACE: Diwata (Ramaag / Bakunawa)
ABILITY: unknown
WEAPON: unknown
PROFILE: The son of Demigo, one of the main houses of the Pagtung-an. His family’s betrayal of the Ramaag Tribe led him to a life in exile and a curse that inhibits his bloodline to travel to Duta. He now served as a general to the Bakunawa and was the one who destroyed the three Diwata Kingdoms. He now rules the Tamawo in Pagtung-an under an iron fist.

NAME: Makadulom
RACE: Tamawo (Bakunawa)
ABILITY: unknown
WEAPON: unknown
PROFILE: Emperor of the Bakunawa. He has been waging war against the Diwatas for centuries. Upon the fall of the Diwata Kingdoms, he assumed the total control of the En realm. His next goal would be the invasion of Duta. He seeks the Diwata that will open the portal to the human realm.